Season 2 of One Punch Man aired from April to July 2019 and was animated by J.C. Staff, following the departure of Madhouse after the first season. This season adapts the manga chapters focused on the rise of the “Hero Hunter” Garou, expanding the universe of monsters and introducing more characters into the fray.

The story begins with the aftermath of Saitama’s victory over Boros in Season 1. While Saitama continues to struggle with boredom due to his overwhelming strength, the world around him faces a new threat—Garou, a former disciple of Silver Fang, who now hunts heroes to prove his superiority. Garou’s introduction kicks off a season filled with martial arts, monster fights, and deeper character development for both heroes and villains.

Garou One Punch Man Season 2

Saitama’s Martial Arts Adventure

While Garou is out hunting heroes, Saitama, curious about martial arts, decides to enter a martial arts tournament under the guise of a fighter named Charanko. Despite his lack of martial arts training, Saitama easily dominates his opponents, much like he does with monsters.

This arc provides humor and showcases Saitama’s interactions with various martial artists, including Suiryu, a powerful contestant who longs for a worthy fight​

The Hero Hunter vs. Heroes

Garou’s relentless pursuit of heroes leads to some intense and emotional fights, particularly his encounter with Genos and Watchdog Man. Unlike other villains who are quickly defeated by Saitama, Garou’s tenacity and unique moral code make him a compelling character. He doesn’t just fight for power; he fights to challenge the entire system of heroes and villains​

This is the official one punch man season 2 trailer :

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